BUAP, Mexico creates Information Management career


The José María Lafragua Historical Library, partner of the CODICIS Project, will participate

By Christian Sánchez Pozos

As part of this year's academic offering, the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla — through the University for Adults (UPA) — has opened the Bachelor's Degree in Information Management in mixed mode, which will receive its first class in August.

This academic program is aimed at the identification, management, conservation and enhancement of information in different media. (from old book, physical documents, metadata, etc.) , and is aimed at people from 25 years old and older who are working in archives and libraries, for professionals in the Humanities area who wish to expand their academic training and for older adults who are interested in this branch of knowledge.

The EPS was created by a previous administration with the mission of professionalize and develop lifelong and innovative learning of adults aged 25 and over, who enhance their abilities and promote a healthy, full and transcendent life. It began offering seasonal courses, workshops, webinars and seminars at a very affordable cost, and its offering has increased over time based on the population's interest in having an ideal space to continue learning and coexistence.

With the current administration that EPS , with support from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters , both agencies attached to the Vice-Rector's Office for Teaching proposed to the University Council the creation both the Bachelor's Degree in Information Management and the Humanities Degree. Due to the profile characteristics of their students, these two bachelor's degrees will have a different admission process than the rest of the bachelor's degrees offered in faculties and research institutes.

He Bachelor's study plan It is structured in six semesters, in which the student will acquire skills and knowledge that will allow him to delve deeper into obtaining, handling and managing data to later be able to make it available to society in any of the surroundings contemplated. Within the graduation profile, it is contemplated that the student can acquire, among others, the skills of organization and representation of information, literacy and informational behavior, as well as the development of theoretical, historical and methodological studies of documentation, information and knowledge.

Thanks to participation in the CODICIS Project  and the work carried out in the identification, treatment and conservation of the ancient book, the José María Lafragua Historical Library of the BUAP will have participation in said Degree in the fields of heritage management, conservation and information resource management, as well as the processing of information contained in ancient books and archival documentation.

It is expected that Students of the Bachelor's Degree in Information Management do professional internships at their facilities and, in this way, they can acquire skills from the personnel who work in the Lafragua Library , which were reinforced through the Training Course for trainers in management and conservation of archives and heritage libraries, which was held in September to December 2022.

It is planned that Classes for the Bachelor's Degree in Information Management start in August of this year.

Illustration 1 Inauguration of new spaces at the UPA by Dr. Lilia Cedillo Ramírez, Rector of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (November 2022). She is accompanied (from left to right): Dr. Miguel Ángel Cuenya Mateos, Director of the UPA; Dr. Jaime Vázquez López, Vice Chancellor of Teaching; Mr. José Manuel Orozco Alonso, Secretary General of the BUAP.

For interested people, they can see the study plans by visiting the website of the EPS here