The Symposium “Path to the recovery and preservation of the historical documentary heritage of our people” concludes successfully
With the aim of raising awareness among Tarija society of the need to preserve and recover documents from heritage archives and libraries, the Bolivian Catholic University “San Pablo” Tarija Headquarters In coordination with the CODICIS Project, it successfully organized the Symposium-Workshop “Path to the recovery and preservation of the historical documentary heritage of our people.”
The meeting was aimed mainly at teachers, professors, university students, school students, library and archive staff, with participation of approximately 150 people.
The event was held in person and virtually on August 18 and 19, where practical workshops on conservation, restoration and document digitization were developed; in addition to guided visits to the Ecclesial Center for Franciscan Documentation and the library of the UCB Headquarters Tarija. Local, national and international experts were present as speakers.
The Coordinator of the CODICIS Project, Lic. Valeria Arduz commented that Tarija is a place that has multiple archives and historical documents that are fundamental for Bolivia, so it is important to promote the recovery of these documents and reflect on the importance they have.
“The Symposium was developed successfully, having two days, the first dedicated to libraries with topics related to the Library that preserves and manages cultural memory and the digitization of documentary heritage; on the other hand, regulations and the archive as a protector of documentary memory, with the help of experts,” said the Project Coordinator.
CODICIS is a project to strengthen capacities for the recovery and conservation of the documentary heritage of Latin America financed by ERASMUS + of the European Union, which seeks to design and execute a specialization course in conservation and management of archives and heritage libraries.
The institutions that make up the project are:
- Bolivian Catholic University “San Pablo”
- University of Piura
- University panameric
- Benemérita Autonomous University of Puebla
- University of San Andres
- Degli Studi University of CATANIA
- University of Barcelona
August 24, 2022
See original note: Here
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