Documentary and Bibliographic Heritage Conservation Course

The University of Piura launched this summer the “Blended Specialization Course in management and conservation of archival and bibliographic documentary heritage”, dictated by the Faculty of Humanities and the Library of the aforementioned institution, in coordination with the San Pablo Catholic University of Arequipa.
This educational offer, focused on the preservation of the cultural and academic legacy, will be developed simultaneously in Peru, Mexico and Bolivia.
The program aims to provide sector professionals and enthusiasts with the skills and knowledge necessary for the management of historical documents and libraries.
Addresses fundamental topics such as identification of materials and writing techniques, collection management and advanced restoration and conservation techniques.
Likewise, it is part of the cultural project “Strengthening capacities for the recovery and conservation of documentary and bibliographic heritage in Latin America” (CODICIS), financed by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union.
Watch video of the 1st International Conference on Heritage Archives and Libraries: Here
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