Training course 'Guidelines for the preparation of training materials'
CODICIS trains the Barcelona and Catania teams in distance training didactics
On March 23 and 30, a didactics course was organized at the University of Barcelona aimed at the teams of teachers from the universities of Barcelona and Catania who will be in charge of developing the training of trainers within the framework of the CODICIS project.
Professors Gregorio Casamayor, José Luis Medina and Francisco Imbernon from the University of Barcelona were the speakers of the course that dealt with three thematic areas:
- The creation of teaching materials.
- Participatory strategies.
- Oral presentation in the context of distance training
The purpose is to create a framework for reflection that facilitates the development of the materials and training that will be developed within the framework of the Training course for trainers in management and conservation of archives and heritage libraries which will be held from September 2022 to January 2023.
Experiences were shared in patrimonialization and its impact on accessibility: curatorship, induction and public training.
The Conference had the participation of more than thirty specialists from several Latin American universities and a large influx of public. They were highly valued by the participants who expressed their concern to continue training and learn about new actions and events of the CODICIS team.
Watch video of the 1st International Conference on Heritage Archives and Libraries: Here
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