Specialists highlight the importance of preserving documentary heritage
UDEP is one of the six Latin American universities that participate in Codicis, a bibliographic project, whose objective is to add to the training of people related to archive management in heritage libraries.
Within the framework of the Codicis project, on October 24, the “Regional Symposium on conservation and management of documentary heritage (archival and bibliographic): good practices and current possibilities” was inaugurated at the UDEP Piura Campus.
At the event, Professor Cristina Vargas Pacheco, director of the International Relations Department of UDEP, explained that Codicis is a bibliographic project carried out by the European Union and that brings together six Latin American universities, including the University of Piura.
He indicated that the role of universities in the project is the transmission of knowledge. Thus, he said, the European institutions will strengthen the conservation and management capacities of archives in heritage libraries of the six Latin American universities which, in turn, must transmit this learning during 2023. “The objective is that different archival and library institutions can learn and continue strengthening its practices in conservation and management of documentary collections,” he explained.
The legacy of amauta Luis E. Valcárcel
In the first presentation of the symposium, Luis Fernando Brugué Valcárcel, director of the Luis E. Valcárcel Center & Archive, gave details about the legacy of the amauta Luis E. Valcárcel, his valuable archive and the cultural center.
He highlighted that Valcárcel was an intellectual who fought to have his own vision of Peruvian history; He promoted archaeological and historical work and introduced a new study technique in Peru: ethnology, today called “Social Anthropology.” Thanks to this, the past would be understood much better and all aspects of the human life of the native peoples could be studied.
Thanks to the diversity of positions that Valcárcel held in different institutions and his intellectual contacts, he was able to put together a very complete and varied photographic collection, which allowed him to provide material for the institutions he directed, and, at the same time, provide historians, archaeologists and scholars, a precious visual material for their publications, noted the speaker.
October 24, 2022
See original note: Here
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