The documentary legacy of the UDEP Campus Piura is exhibited

exposicion documental - 1

The exhibition, which includes titles from the 16th century to the 19th century, is exhibited within the framework of the Codicis project, which seeks to promote the recovery and conservation of documentary and bibliographic heritage in Latin America.

Within the framework of the regional symposium “Conservation and Management of Documentary Heritage, good practices and current possibilities”, carried out under the Codicis project, with the support of the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission, the Library of the University of Piura inaugurated the exhibition “Legado documentary at the UDEP of the historical heritage fund from the 16th to the 19th century.”

The exhibition will be open until the end of November, in the Central Library of Campus Piura. The themes of this historical collection are varied and include works of law, theology, history and literature. Currently, this collection consists of almost 2,500 titles; Of them, a sample has been taken in order to promote an approach of the community towards the ancient book.

The Codicis project seeks to train people related to the conservation and management of heritage archives and libraries to enhance the value of the documents that make up their collection.

María José Andrade, director of the UDEP Library System, when opening the exhibition, reported that these two years of participation in the project have given them the great opportunity to value the collection of historical documents, which are invaluable for the society.

“We direct our effort and commitment on a daily basis to enable greater access to information so that it can serve as a starting point and inspiration for new research,” he said.

He indicated that the Library's vision is to provide a professional support and study service for teaching and research. To this end, taking into account the academic and scientific information needs of users, an important place is given to the resources, processes and services offered for research, he commented.

He explained that in the Library books, magazines and documents are acquired, catalogued, organized, preserved and made available in any type of format, whether physical or digital. In addition, support services are provided and developed for the user to access this information.

Some figures

The Library has a bibliographic collection of approximately 300,000 exemplary volumes and a newspaper collection of almost 3,000 titles of academic or scientific journals in printed format, three own databases and multiple online and subscription resources, which offer information in text. complete, images, audios of specialized magazines in various disciplines, online bibliographic managers, as well as subscription to local, national and foreign newspapers. It also has an important collection of plans and maps.

Among the collections it houses you can find pre-Hispanic goods from the Piura region, ceramics, geographical collections, popular art and intellectual collections such as that of José Antonio del Busto.

November 2, 2022

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