Start of the Training Program in heritage conservation in Piura
The start of classes took place in August with the participation of more than 60 people from 9 departments.
Professor María Elena Ramírez presented the first module of the subject “Introduction to Documentation”, attended by students from universities and institutions in Piura, Lambayeque, La Libertad, Lima, Arequipa, Loreto, Moquegua, Puno and Tacna; some of them officials of the General Archive of the Nation, the National Library of Peru (BNP), the National School of Fine Arts, the High Performance College of Piura, the Superior Court of Justice of Arequipa, the National Archival School (ENA) , among others.
The network that the CODICIS project has generated, with contributions from various educational institutions in Peru, Mexico, Bolivia, Spain and Italy, has contributed to enriching the training program with different experiences and has stimulated interaction between experts in the field.
Watch video of the 1st International Conference on Heritage Archives and Libraries: Here
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