Conference on good European practices in bibliographic and documentary heritage.
Erasmus+ CBHE Project
October 4, 18 and 25, 2021
Monday, October 4, 2021
Session 1: Training, management and professional ethics
Session coordinator: Carina Rey
4:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. (GMT+2) Welcome Remarks
- Miquel Termens
Dean of the Faculty of Information and Audiovisual Media. (University of Barcelona).
- Francisco Rizo Patron
General coordinator of the CODICIS project. (San Pablo Catholic University).
- Simona Inserra
Coordinator of the CODICIS Team of Catania. (University of Catania Studies).
- Pedro Rueda Ramirez
Coordinator of the Barcelona CODICIS Team. (University of Barcelona).
4:30-5:30 p.m. (GMT+2) University training in Documentation.
Speaker: Ernest Abadal (University of Barcelona).
Professor of the Faculty of Information and Audiovisual Media and vice-rector of the University of Barcelona. His field of teaching and research are technologies applied to documentation and, especially, digital publications. He currently coordinates a project on open science in Spain and the “Culture and digital content” Research Group.
5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. (GMT+2) The management of the bibliographic heritage of the Library of the University of Seville.
Speaker: Eduardo Peñalver (University of Seville).
Graduate in Geography and History at the University of Seville. Doctor in Hispanic Philological Studies from the University of Seville for his doctoral thesis The Printing Press in Seville: 1601-1700. He has taught the subject of “Cataloging of Bibliographic Heritage” and “Management of Bibliographic Heritage” in the Master Documents and Books. Archives and Libraries. He is currently Head of the Ancient Fund and Historical Archive Section of the Library of the University of Seville.
6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. (GMT+2) Respect memory: ethics in heritage management.
Speaker: Paz Fernández and Fernández Cuesta (March Foundation)
Graduate in History and Master in Information and Documentation from the Complutense University of Madrid. He has taught at the Faculty of Humanities and Documentation of the Carlos III University of Madrid. Librarian at the Islamic Library of the AECID (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation), in the library of the Center for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences of the Juan March Institute and since 2008 director of the Library of the Library / Research Support Center of the Juan March Foundation.
Monday, October 18, 2021
Session II: Good practices in the study and dissemination of heritage.
Session coordinator: Jesús Gascón
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. (GMT+2) Dissemination strategies of the CRAI Reserve Library of the University of Barcelona.
Speaker: Neus Verger (Reserve Library. University of Barcelona).
Diploma in Library Science and Documentation and Graduate in Geography and History from the University of Barcelona. She is responsible for the Reserve Library of the University of Barcelona and a career librarian since 1987. Member of the antique book working group of REBIUN-CRUE (Spanish Network of University Libraries).
5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. (GMT+2) The incunaboli project
Speaker: Simona Inserra (Università degli Studi di Catania).
She is a researcher and professor of Library Science and Heritage Conservation of Archives and Books at the Department of Humanities of the University of Catania. She has been a member of the Italian Library Association and chaired the Sicily section between 2008 and 2011. She is technical director of the Antico Valore book restoration laboratory in Catania, collaborates with Officine Culturali in the Benedictine Monastery and in the Civic Museum of the Castle of Ursino in Catania. Among his latest published works we have "Incunabula in Catania I and II: Regional Library of the University of Catania"
Speaker: Marco Palma (former professor at the Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale)
Graduated in classical literature, he taught Codicology at the special school for archivists and librarians of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and Latin paleography at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy of the University of Cassino. He is currently responsible for the series “Writings and Books of the Middle Ages” and “Incunaboli” for the Viella publishing house in Rome.
Speaker: Domenico Ciccarello (Università degli Studi di Palermo).
Librarian at the University of Palermo and deputy director of the Diocesan Library of Trapani. He has a doctorate in Book Sciences from the University of Siena. Currently, he participates in the research project «Inquiry into the Inquiry of the Index Congregation» and in the project "Incunabula" and is a member of the Italian Society of Bibliographic and Library Sciences (SISBB).
6:30-7:30 p.m. (GMT+2)From SAF to ACUB. Testing a model for the conservation, management and dissemination of the women's archives of the Church.
Speaker: Irene Brugués (Archivera. Cultural Area of Benedictines).
Doctor in Information and Documentation of the Knowledge Society from the University of Barcelona. She is currently the technical director and archivist of Àmbit Cultural de Benedictines, which manages the monastic archives of Sant Pere de les Puel·les in Barcelona and Sant Benet in Montserrat.
Monday, October 25, 2021
Session III: Preventive conservation and digital preservation.
Session coordinator: Mònica Baró
4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. (GMT+2) The UB restoration laboratory.
Speaker: Montserrat Florensa (Conservation Laboratory. University of Barcelona).
A restorer from the Higher School of Conservation and Restoration of Catalonia, she has a diploma in Library and Documentation from the University of Barcelona. She was a professor of Preventive Conservation in the Archival Master's degree at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He has worked on the restoration of documents from various institutions. She is currently a Restorer of paper and graphic works at the Resource Center for Learning and Research of the Restoration Service of the University of Barcelona
Speaker: Anna Rossell (Conservation Laboratory, University of Barcelona).
Graduated in Fine Arts, graduated in Applied Book Arts and graduated in Economic Sciences. For 15 years she has combined work between her graphic document and ancient book restoration workshop and her position at the head of the Monastery Museum of Santa María de Pedralbes as in charge of the conservation and restoration of the collection and the Historical Archive of the community of nuns. Poor Clares He has taught various courses and has restored documentation from various public entities. Since 2018 he has been working in the CRAI Restoration Workshop of the University of Barcelona.
5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. (GMT+2) Conservation and digitalization: dialogue and collaboration.
Speaker: Alberto Campagnolo (Università degli Studi di Udine).
He studied book restoration at the European Course for Conservators-Restorers of Archival and Book Heritage and worked at the Vatican Apostolic Library. Studies in Archival Conservation and Book Heritage at the University of Ca' Foscari, Venice. He has a master's degree in technology and digital culture from King's College London, and a PhD from Ligatus Research Centre. Since 2018 he has been an adjunct professor at the University of Udine and a collaborator since 2013 at VisColl, he is editor-in-chief of the Journal of Paper Conservation and a member of the executive committee of the IADA.
6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. (GMT+2) Round table. Digitization and preservation.
Coordination: Miquel Térmens
Ciro Llueca (Open University of Catalonia)
Director of the UOC Library and Learning Resources and director of the UOC Publishing House. He is currently coordinator of the Libraries and Intellectual Property Group of FESABID (Spanish Federation of Archival, Library, Documentation and Museum Societies) and coordinator of the Repositories Group of REBIUN-CRUE (Spanish Network of University Libraries).
Francesca Navarro (Library of Catalonia)
Diploma in Library and Documentation and Graduate in Documentation. Since 2009 he has worked at the Library of Catalonia. He is currently responsible for both internal and external digitization of the institution, coordinates the publication of the Library of Catalonia collections in the Memoria Digital de Catalunya repository, collaborating with the Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC) in the different phases of the project. It also coordinates ARCA (Archive of Old Catalan Magazines) and COFRE (Preservation Repository). He is a member of the Dublin Core Technical Subcommittee.
Assumpta Pujol (University of Barcelona)
He studied Documentation at the University of Barcelona. She worked as a project technician for the Project Unit and later responsible for the Medicine Library of the University of Barcelona. He currently works in the Collection Management Unit of the Learning and Research Resource Center of the University of Barcelona.
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