Documentary bibliographic heritage: experts from Europe will provide free training for its conservation


As part of the Erasmus+ Codicis project, coordinated by the San Pablo Catholic University

On October 4, 18 and 25, the project's “European Good Practices Conference on Bibliographic and Documentary Heritage” will be held. codicis. This is a series of training conferences given by experts from different European organizations and the universities of Barcelona and Seville in Spain and Catania and Udine in Italy.

Access to the conferences is free of charge. They will be broadcast on the YouTube channel of the University of Barcelona: from 9:00 a.m. in Peru, the schedule is repeated in Mexico, in Bolivia it will be at 10:00 a.m. and in Spain at 4:00 p.m. This schedule will be met on all dates of the day.

Codicis is an international project to strengthen capacities for the recovery and conservation of documentary and bibliographic heritage in Latin America. It is coordinated by the San Pablo Catholic University (UCSP). With the conferences, its members seek to transmit the experiences and knowledge of important European leaders in these matters.

The first date, Monday, October 4, will deal with university training in documentation, the management of university documentary heritage and finally they will talk about the ethical aspects of heritage management.

In the second session, on October 18, they will speak on good practices in the study and dissemination of heritage with conferences on dissemination strategies applied in European entities, a project to rescue incunabula texts in southern Italy and on a model for the conservation, management and dissemination of ecclesiastical archives. 

On October 25, the third date, they will discuss preventive conservation and digital preservation. In this case, the experience of the restoration laboratory of the University of Barcelona will be shared and then the same will be done from the University of Udine in Italy. The entire day will culminate with a round table on digitization and preservation.

Among the speakers, Ernest Abadal, vice-rector of the University of Barcelona, Eduardo Peñalver, responsible for the documentary and bibliographic heritage collections of the University of Seville, stand out; Neus Verger from the reserve fund of the University of Barcelona; Simona Inserra, coordinator of a project to study incunabula books; Montserrat Florensa and Anna Rossell, book and document restorers; Alberto Campagnolo, specialist in dissemination and study of digitized bibliographic heritage, among other experts in digital preservation and innovative documentation projects.

The Codicis project is co-financed by the European Union. It was one of the winners of the competitive funds of the Erasmus + program in 2019. Its execution began this year and will last 3 years. Universities from Peru, Bolivia and Mexico, and higher education institutions from Spain and Italy participate. More information in

The members for Peru are the San Pablo Catholic University (project coordinator) and the University of Piura. For Mexico, the Benemérita Autonomous University of Puebla and the Pan American University Guadalajara headquarters. For Bolivia, the University of San Andres and the Bolivian Catholic University San Pablo in Tarija and throughout Europe, the University of Catania, Italy and the University of Barcelona; Spain. Added to them is the International Consulting and Mobility Agency (Incoma) from Seville, Spain.

Arequipa, October 1, 2021

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