Arequipa documentary heritage saved thanks to CODICIS project


The San Pablo Catholic University in Arequipa (Peru) has started in March of this year, the “Campaign to Safeguard the documentary heritage of Arequipa” , which comes thanks to developing the equipment acquired within the framework of the project CODICES and where the Peruvianity Commission, Library and the Center for Peruvian Studies of the university also participate.

Peru houses a valuable documentary heritage , which is not yet fully safeguarded due to the lack of articulated cataloging and documented documentary conservation systems, which makes the situation in the regions of the country more critical. In this sense, the city of Arequipa which also has valuable documentation and has a climate that allows its conservation over time, has begun thanks to  CODICES , which finances the program ERAMUS of the European Union, the safeguarding of important material.

The “Campaign to Safeguard the documentary heritage of Arequipa” has started with the digitization, cataloging and preventive conservation of the documents of the Municipal Historical Museum , which will also develop a cultural exhibition where it explains the value of such an important documentary collection and the importance of saving it. In May, the project will begin with the digitization of the documentary archive of the prominent writer María Nieves y Bustamante , whose relatives have saved and compiled important information about their life, career and production; and, that they have agreed to have their assets safeguarded.

In the following months, safeguarding projects will continue to be carried out within the framework of the aforementioned Campaign, which allow expressing the commitment of the Saint Paul Catholic University with the heritage combined with the social action of the project CODICES.