The CODICIS symposium is part of the research work of the Universidad Católica San Pablo, Peru


On Monday, the San Pablo Catholic University (UCSP) began its Research Week. They will carry out nearly 30 activities, until Friday, November 11, at their San Lázaro campus, with the aim of making their research work visible, as well as promoting interaction, cooperation and scientific dissemination in their community and in the region. For this reason, the activities are free to enter.

This event was inaugurated by Dr. Alonso Quintanilla Pérez Wicht, rector of UCSP, who described research as exciting work, in which the university is committed, because it is part of its contribution to generating new knowledge, but also answers to fundamental questions for humanity.

He noted that it is important to see research from a comprehensive perspective, that is, not only to focus on what science can or seeks to provide answers to, but also that the intervention of the Humanities is needed.

“We are called to give answers from the perspective of faith, according to our Catholic identity. And a 25-year-old university, like ours, could not be understood as such if it does not investigate. “We are in a society that advances at an accelerated pace, but that is also in need of hope,” he indicated.

For her part, the director of UCSP researchDr. Patricia Castillo Araníbar indicated that Research Week allows teachers and students to share with other specialists outside San Pablo, to analyze reality. “It is necessary to have a critical, interdisciplinary and comprehensive vision to propose research projects, which in turn are alternative solutions,” he indicated.

He highlighted that this event makes it possible to recognize the work, discipline and effort of the San Pablo researchers. “Our goal is to be a benchmark in research, to achieve this we are promoting more research internally, or seeking partnerships with national and foreign peers,” he said.

Research Week had its first edition 10 years ago. This year it is done again after two years of the pandemic. This edition includes specialized talks on intellectual property, technology-based ventures, research cooperation with entities in Peru and abroad, integration of knowledge, relationships with companies, innovation in research, among others.

On this first day, the presentations “Integration of knowledge” were given by Dr. Tomás Salazar Steiger, doctor in Philosophy and director of the Department of Humanities at UCSP, and “The impact of the university on companies and their orientation to the generation of social and environmental value”, by the Phd. Nancy Matos Reyes, president of the Cladea Academic Committee (Latin American Council of Management Schools).

In the afternoon, the symposium was held CODICES: “The bibliographic heritage in perspective” and “The management of ancient books”. Its speakers were Mercedes Isabel Salomón Salazar, director of the “José María Lafragua” Historical Library, of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México, and Gerardo Manuel Trillo Auqui, library expert and master in Documentary Heritage Management.

One of the most important activities is the Project Fair, in which 11 areas of San Pablo will present their work in technology, engineering, Social Sciences, Humanities, Health Sciences and projects with foreign peers such as Codicis, with the European Union and Koica, with the South Korean government. It will be on Thursday, November 10, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. in the gardens of the San Lázaro campus.