The Panamericana University joins the CODICIS Project to train and train the personnel in charge of archives in Bolivia, Peru and Mexico
The Universidad Panamericana Campus Guadalajara is one of the 6 institutions in Latin America to participate in this collaborative project.
The European Union, through the Erasmus+ program, created the project “Strengthening Capacities for the Recovery and Conservation of the Documentary and Bibliographic Heritage of Latin America” (CODICIS) in collaboration on the one hand with European institutions (EU HEIs) of higher education with experience in managing the training of personnel and on the other, the higher education institutions of Latin America (IES LAM) that can be local managers of training and conditioning of appropriate units for the preservation of local archival and bibliographic cultural heritage.
The idea arises from the fact that Latin America has a rich and vast documentary and bibliographic heritage, which requires its preservation and enhancement to deepen and preserve the identity and particular cultures of its peoples, however, its importance does not is in tune with the care that such a valuable legacy requires.
The initial proposal to participate in the CODICIS call arises from the Vice-Rector's Office for Liaison through the negotiations of the International Affairs office, an idea that is well received and supported by the Vice-Rector's Office for Research through the Library Directorate of the Guadalajara campus. . This project is aligned with the strategy of the UP-IPADE General Rectorate: Internationalization, Visibility and Fund Raising, where the Panamericana will receive co-financing that will be used in research, training and equipment of the Library.
6 institutions from Latin America participate: from Bolivia, the Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo de Tarija and the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés; from Peru the Universidad Católica San Pablo de Arequipa, who leads the project and the University of Piura and from Mexico La Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla and the Universidad Panamericana Campus Guadalajara and in Europe, the University of Barcelona in Spain, the University of Catania participate in Italy and the INCOMA agency (International Consulting and Mobility Agency) in Seville, Spain.
The project began on January 15, 2021 and will last 36 months; The activities have been structured into 9 work packages (WP), in which all participants will contribute their experiences. The Universidad Panamericana leads WP1, which consists of establishing the methodological bases for the development, implementation and execution of an expert course for heritage archiving in Peru, Mexico and Bolivia.
The objectives of this table are: describe the Libraries and Archives that exist in Bolivia, Peru and Mexico; identify the training, training and updating of personnel who work in the Municipal Libraries and Archives of Bolivia, Peru and Mexico; know the good practices of the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) of the European Union (EU); and finally, publish the research results of the first phase in different media.
CODICIS is the product of the synergy between the Vice-Chancellors of Liaison and Research headed by Dr. Rafael Hernández and Dr. Sergio Velázquez; Captain Leoncio Monjarás who led the initial negotiations of the project and established communication with Dr. Francisco Rizo, from the Universidad Católica San Pablo (UCSP), during the 3rd International Conference of the Program for Internationalization in Universities (INCHIPE) in Lima , Peru in 2018.
The work team is made up of Mr. David Torres Hall, Library Director, Mtro. Marcelo Preciado, who coordinates the work team, as well as Ms. Beatriz Dávalos and Mtro. Humberto Martínez.
See the note on the original site: Here
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