WP 3.2 Teacher training
65 Latin American professionals were trained by European experts in documentary conservation during 2022 and 2023 thanks to CODICIS
The white paper on training in documentary conservation laid the foundations for the expert course given by the EU HEIs to the LAM HEIs participating in CODICIS
As part of the CODICIS project, the Training of Trainers course was successfully developed. The objective of this course was to train the staff of the LAM IES so that they can be future teachers on issues of conservation and management of archives and heritage libraries.
For the development of these activities, there was a selection process that consisted of three phases: the first was the call requesting documents from the participants, the second included the preselection of 10 participants for each IES LAM who had to meet an entry profile such as : academic training, professional experience in archives and libraries, courses taken, publications on the topic of archives and libraries.
As for the third phase, this included the selection of candidates, following the proposal prepared by the IES Barcelona (White Paper or Report on the Training Course for Trainers in Management and Conservation of Heritage Archives and Libraries) and reviewed by the International Group of Complementation, the IES Catania proceeded to review the
Once the people to be trained were selected, the training by the EU HEIs began for the teachers of the LAM HEIs on October 15, 2022.
The course began with the first lessons dedicated to the training complement, through the blackboard platform; Likewise, 32 mobilities were carried out, which allowed for face-to-face classes to be held in the CODICIS laboratories at the headquarters of Arequipa-Peru, Guadalajara-Mexico and La Paz-Bolivia with specialized professors invited by the partner European Universities who evaluated the activities of each of them. participants.
The training ended in January 2023 and resulted in the training of 65 teachers in the countries of Peru, Mexico and Bolivia. All graduated students received the corresponding certification.
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