The San Pablo Catholic University (UCSP) has implemented, within the framework of the Codicis project, the first and only documentary conservation laboratory in Arequipa and the south of the country.
The San Pablo Catholic University (UCSP) has implemented, within the framework of the Codicis project, the first and only documentary conservation laboratory in Arequipa and the south of the country.
Within the framework of the international project Codicis, which is financed by the European Union
In order to improve the protection of the documentary heritage in Arequipa, the San Pablo Catholic University (UCSP), carried out the training course for trainers in management and conservation of archives and heritage libraries. This training is part of the international project codicis, led by UCSP and financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.
The course seeks to have more specialized personnel who understand the value of ancient documents and texts and know how to handle them, since it is the first thing required for their conservation and management. It was aimed at members of San Pablo who were instructed by experts from Spain and Italy for 5 months, from September 2022 to January 2023.
The topics they discussed were: history of the book, digitization of ancient texts, preservation and conservation of bibliographic and heritage material; and management of heritage centers. The sessions were hybrid (virtual and in-person) and included theoretical and practical activities.
There were 9 participants in the training. They will be instructors in the replication courses contemplated by the Codicis project, along with other specialists from the partner universities of this initiative. In these replication courses, librarians and archivists from different cities in the country will be trained, who will receive scholarships to be part of this training.
The graduates of the course are Enrique Briceño Medina, director of the UCSP Library, Carmen Chávez Núñez, Edwin Montes Fernández, Tania Ramírez Cabrera, Henry Vílchez Chávez and Justo Noguera Almanza, staff from the same area; Patricia Calvi de Quintanilla and Lucía Galdos Arenas, director and administrator of the San Pablo Editorial Fund, respectively; and Andrea Ocampo Maceda, teaching assistant at the same university.
Codicis is a project that brings together 9 institutions from Peru, Bolivia, Mexico, Spain and Italy, seeking to strengthen capacities for the recovery and conservation of documentary and bibliographic heritage in Latin America and is being carried out under the leadership of the Center for Peruvian Studies of the Saint Paul.
The other partner institutions with the UCSP are: University of Piura (Peru), the Benemérita Autonomous University of Puebla and University panameric (both from Mexico), the Universities Mayor of San Andrés and Bolivian Catholic Saint Paul (both from Bolivia) and the universities of Barcelona and Incoma (both from Spain) and Catania (Italy).
“The Codicis project is concerned with the protection of heritage and culture, which helps us understand our identity as Peruvians. The training time has been hard work, now our graduates have the task of training more people to protect our documentary heritage,” said Mgtr. Pamela Cabala, coordinator of the Codicis project and director of the Center for Peruvian Studies at UCSP.
For his part, the rector of San Pablo, Alonso Quintanilla, highlighted the importance of the Codicis project, as it is the largest among all those that this university executes together with the European Union. “San Pablo is very committed to this initiative, as it makes us come back into contact with books from another perspective, a scientific and poetic perspective,” he said after congratulating the graduates of the training course and asking them to make their efforts pay off. fruits in favor of the cultural heritage of the region and the country.
The second part of the Codicis project includes the implementation of a conservation and restoration laboratory among the affiliated universities. It should be noted that San Pablo already has this environment, which, together with the digitization laboratory of 2014, has been working on the rescue of collections of ancient documents and texts.
It should be noted that the UCSP already has experience in this work, as it has cataloged and digitized historical newspapers such as La Bolsa, El Republicano, El Deber, the correspondence of former president José Luis Bustamante and Rivero, and has new projects underway.
The graduation ceremony took place in the facilities of the Víctor Andrés Belaúnde Library of San Pablo. The UCSP Research Director, Dr. Patricia Castillo Araníbar, also participated in this activity.
Arequipa, May 10, 2023
See original note: Here
Course was held in San Pablo within the framework of the international project Codicis
Specialists from the University of Barcelona and the University of Catania arrived at the San Pablo Catholic University (UCSP) in January 2023. They taught classes and held training workshops, within the framework of the international project Codicis, which seeks to strengthen capacities for the recovery and conservation of documentary and bibliographic heritage in Latin America.
Berta Blasi, expert in Conservation and Restoration of Graphic Documents, and Simona Inserra, researcher in Archival Science and Library Science, participated from the University of Catania. Also, Miquel Térmens, dean of the Faculty of Information and Audiovisual Media and Jesús Gascón García, graduate in Documentation, both from the University of Barcelona.
They discussed conservation, digitization of ancient documents and the history of the book. San Pablo personnel who work in areas related to the management and production of books and other texts and personnel from the University of Piura, who also arrived in Arequipa for this course, received the training for 10 days. Both study houses make up the Codicis project in Peru. Similar courses have been held in Bolivia and Mexico, partner countries of this initiative.
San Pablo is the leading university of this initiative that brings together 9 institutions from Europe and Latin America. It is co-financed by the European Union (EU) through the Erasmus+ program. Its development is possible thanks to the fact that this academic institution won one of the EU calls. Currently, it is in its third year of execution.
The UCSP professor and project coordinator, Francisco Rizo Patrón, explained that this first training was for personnel from the partner universities in Peru, because it is the prelude to the training course that will be carried out with personnel from other institutions that work with documentary heritage. and ancient texts. This course will be held this year in Arequipa. Participants will be selected and will receive an invitation to apply, as there will be no cost.
He also specified that it is a complete training, since the management of documentary heritage does not only imply its digitization, that is, transferring physical texts to virtual formats, as is usually thought, but also requires a series of previous steps, as well as actions that bring this material closer to the population so that they know how to value it.
In the course carried out at the UCSP, use was also made of the new conservation and management of heritage collections laboratory at San Pablo, and visits were made to archival and library heritage centers in our city.
In addition to the partners from Peru, Spain and Italy, the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla and the Universidad Panamericana, both from Mexico, are part of Codicis. The universities Mayor de San Andrés and Católica Boliviana San Pablo and Incoma, a Spanish research and research consultancy, are part of Bolivia.
Arequipa, February 2023
See original note: Here
Conversando con is a program produced by the San Pablo Catholic University (UCSP) in which specialists who visit the UCSP are interviewed. This edition included the participation of Mercedes Salomón Salazar, director of the 'José María Lafragua' historical library, of the Benemérita Autonomous University of Puebla (Mexico) and Gerardo Trillo Auqui, expert in Library Science, with vast experience in the National Library of Peru.
Both specialists arrived at San Pablo in November 2023, within the framework of the project's International Symposium. codicis, which seeks the preservation of documentary heritage, through the training of personnel for its management, recovery and conservation. This event was part of UCSP Research Week.
In this interview broadcast in February of this year they discussed the value of heritage documentation and its digitization.
The San Pablo Catholic University (UCSP), in November 2022, received two leading experts on bibliographic heritage, this during its Research Week. They participated in the Symposium of the Codicis project, which is led by San Pablo and seeks the preservation of documentary heritage, through the training of personnel for its management, recovery and conservation.
They are Mercedes Salomón Salazar, director of the historical library 'José María Lafragua', of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (Mexico) and Gerardo Trillo Auqui, expert in Library Science, with vast experience in the National Library.
Mercedes Salomón announced the work she has been doing in Mexico, to digitize the old books 'From the shelf to the web and back to the shelf'. In that regard, he clarified that this is one more step in the conservation of documentary heritage, but it is not all. “Digitization must be carried out following conservation standards. Furthermore, the files expire and you have to be changing and updating the system where the repository is located,” said the specialist.
Although the great advantage of digitization is that researchers can consult any document, without having to go to the library or mistreat the document, for this to be correct, the books must be inventoried and cataloged depending on their age, their rarity, among others. other characteristics that make them unique.
Gerardo Trillo commented on the work carried out in the National Library of Peru for the conservation of books that are considered heritage. He recalled that these must be appraised (put a price on them), not with the desire to market them, but to know the cost to catalog the specimens.
The Bicentennial Project stood out, in which an inventory of the collection of the renowned historian Jorge Basadre was made in the city of Tacna, a work that was recently completed. “Recognizing that this is a complex process that has different stages allowed us to do a good job with basic tools,” he said.
The expert highlighted that inventorying the books will also prevent them from being trafficked. “You don't know the number of times we have had to go rescue texts from Customs,” he commented. He recalled that there are already policies for public libraries, since 2018, which has helped the texts to remain in good condition.
The specialists held conferences and participated in discussions with staff from libraries and other institutions that have ancient collections, as well as with teachers and staff from San Pablo who do the same. These were spaces for dialogue to learn, first-hand, the needs and opportunities for the conservation of ancient texts.
The San Pablo Catholic University is in charge of coordinating the international Codicis project. This is an important achievement for our country and Latin America, as it promotes the enhancement of the documentary and bibliographic heritage of Peru, Mexico and Bolivia, through the training of professors from universities in those countries, in the recovery, conservation and authorization of ancient collections. .
In addition, San Pablo has experience in this field. Thus he recovered and digitized the archives of emblematic Arequipa newspapers such as La Bolsa, El Deber and El Republicano, and with this, part of our history.
The members of the Codicis project are the Benemérita Autonomous University of Puebla and the University panameric, both from Mexico. The universities are from Bolivia Bolivian Catholic Saint Paul and Mayor of San Andrés. From Spain, the University of Barcelona and the Incoma agency. For Italy, the University of Catania and from Peru, in addition to the San Pablo that leads it and the University of Piura.
Arequipa, January 9, 2022
See the note on the original site: Here
As part of the Erasmus+ Codicis project, coordinated by the San Pablo Catholic University
On October 4, 18 and 25, 2021, the project's “European Good Practices Conference on Bibliographic and Documentary Heritage” will be held. codicis. This is a series of training conferences given by experts from different European organizations and the universities of Barcelona and Seville in Spain and Catania and Udine in Italy.
Access to the conferences is free of charge. They will be broadcast on the YouTube channel of the University of Barcelona: www.youtube.com/user/FBiDUB from 9:00 a.m. in Peru, the schedule is repeated in Mexico, in Bolivia it will be at 10:00 a.m. and in Spain at 4:00 p.m. This schedule will be met on all dates of the day.
Codicis is an international project to strengthen capacities for the recovery and conservation of documentary and bibliographic heritage in Latin America. It is coordinated by the San Pablo Catholic University (UCSP). With the conferences, its members seek to transmit the experiences and knowledge of important European leaders in these matters.
The first date, Monday, October 4, will deal with university training in documentation, the management of university documentary heritage and finally they will talk about the ethical aspects of heritage management.
In the second session, on October 18, they will speak on good practices in the study and dissemination of heritage with conferences on dissemination strategies applied in European entities, a project to rescue incunabula texts in southern Italy and on a model for the conservation, management and dissemination of ecclesiastical archives.
On October 25, the third date, they will discuss preventive conservation and digital preservation. In this case, the experience of the restoration laboratory of the University of Barcelona will be shared and then the same will be done from the University of Udine in Italy. The entire day will culminate with a round table on digitization and preservation.
Among the speakers, Ernest Abadal, vice-rector of the University of Barcelona, Eduardo Peñalver, responsible for the documentary and bibliographic heritage collections of the University of Seville, stand out; Neus Verger from the reserve fund of the University of Barcelona; Simona Inserra, coordinator of a project to study incunabula books; Montserrat Florensa and Anna Rossell, book and document restorers; Alberto Campagnolo, specialist in dissemination and study of digitized bibliographic heritage, among other experts in digital preservation and innovative documentation projects.
The Codicis project is co-financed by the European Union. It was one of the winners of the competitive funds of the Erasmus + program in 2019. Its execution began this year and will last 3 years. Universities from Peru, Bolivia and Mexico, and higher education institutions from Spain and Italy participate. More information in https://www.codicis.org/.
The members for Peru are the San Pablo Catholic University (project coordinator) and the University of Piura. For Mexico, the Benemérita Autonomous University of Puebla and the Pan American University Guadalajara headquarters. For Bolivia, the University of San Andres and the Bolivian Catholic University San Pablo in Tarija and throughout Europe, the University of Catania, Italy and the University of Barcelona; Spain. Added to them is the International Consulting and Mobility Agency (Incoma) from Seville, Spain.
Arequipa, October 1, 2021
See the original note: Here
As part of the Erasmus+ Codicis project, coordinated by the San Pablo Catholic University
On October 4, 18 and 25, the project's “European Good Practices Conference on Bibliographic and Documentary Heritage” will be held. codicis. This is a series of training conferences given by experts from different European organizations and the universities of Barcelona and Seville in Spain and Catania and Udine in Italy.
Access to the conferences is free of charge. They will be broadcast on the YouTube channel of the University of Barcelona: www.youtube.com/user/FBiDUB from 9:00 a.m. in Peru, the schedule is repeated in Mexico, in Bolivia it will be at 10:00 a.m. and in Spain at 4:00 p.m. This schedule will be met on all dates of the day.
Codicis is an international project to strengthen capacities for the recovery and conservation of documentary and bibliographic heritage in Latin America. It is coordinated by the San Pablo Catholic University (UCSP). With the conferences, its members seek to transmit the experiences and knowledge of important European leaders in these matters.
The first date, Monday, October 4, will deal with university training in documentation, the management of university documentary heritage and finally they will talk about the ethical aspects of heritage management.
In the second session, on October 18, they will speak on good practices in the study and dissemination of heritage with conferences on dissemination strategies applied in European entities, a project to rescue incunabula texts in southern Italy and on a model for the conservation, management and dissemination of ecclesiastical archives.
On October 25, the third date, they will discuss preventive conservation and digital preservation. In this case, the experience of the restoration laboratory of the University of Barcelona will be shared and then the same will be done from the University of Udine in Italy. The entire day will culminate with a round table on digitization and preservation.
Among the speakers, Ernest Abadal, vice-rector of the University of Barcelona, Eduardo Peñalver, responsible for the documentary and bibliographic heritage collections of the University of Seville, stand out; Neus Verger from the reserve fund of the University of Barcelona; Simona Inserra, coordinator of a project to study incunabula books; Montserrat Florensa and Anna Rossell, book and document restorers; Alberto Campagnolo, specialist in dissemination and study of digitized bibliographic heritage, among other experts in digital preservation and innovative documentation projects.
The Codicis project is co-financed by the European Union. It was one of the winners of the competitive funds of the Erasmus + program in 2019. Its execution began this year and will last 3 years. Universities from Peru, Bolivia and Mexico, and higher education institutions from Spain and Italy participate. More information in https://www.codicis.org/.
The members for Peru are the San Pablo Catholic University (project coordinator) and the University of Piura. For Mexico, the Benemérita Autonomous University of Puebla and the Pan American University Guadalajara headquarters. For Bolivia, the University of San Andres and the Bolivian Catholic University San Pablo in Tarija and throughout Europe, the University of Catania, Italy and the University of Barcelona; Spain. Added to them is the International Consulting and Mobility Agency (Incoma) from Seville, Spain.
Arequipa, October 1, 2021
See the original note: Here
Universities from 5 countries participate and it is financed by the European Union
The San Pablo Catholic University (UCSP) is in charge of coordinating the international project CODICES. This is an important achievement for our country and Latin America, as it will promote the enhancement of the documentary and bibliographic heritage of Peru, Mexico and Bolivia through the training of professors from universities in those countries for teaching in the recovery, conservation and empowerment for the research of important heritage collections. The project provides for the equipment of specialized laboratories for this purpose.
This initiative is one of the winners of funds from the European Union's Erasmus + program for training in higher education. It was chosen from more than a thousand international proposals, 104 of them from Latin America. The good rating obtained has allowed us to have one of the largest funds. The co-financing obtained will be up to 867 thousand euros for the development of the project for three years, starting now.
Along with San Pablo, Peru participates University of Piura. For Mexico, the Benemérita Autonomous University of Puebla and the Pan American University in Guadalajara. For Bolivia, the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés and the Bolivian Catholic University San Pablo in Tarija. European peers are the University of Catania, Italy and the University of Barcelona; To them is added the International Consulting and Mobility Agency (Incoma) from Seville, Spain.
“Part of the importance of this project is in the cooperation between the countries that comprise it, especially at the university level; Furthermore, it allows us to contribute, from training, to the enhancement of our documentary heritage, memory and identity. We must remember that Peru, Mexico and Bolivia share a past and a broad historical wealth, aspects highly valued in the European Community, indicated Dr. Francisco Rizo Patrón, senior professor at UCSP and director of the CODICIS project.
The project consists of the design and execution of a specialization course in conservation and management of archives and heritage libraries. This implies, in turn, creating and implementing its own pedagogical and scientific methodology based on the transfer of knowledge by European universities, which stand out and have extensive experience in the field of the project. The second part will be carried out through the teaching of the specialization course and the implementation of laboratories for the purposes of the project, as well as the provision of strategies for its sustainability over time.
The UCSP team, together with the other partner universities, prepared the project for more than a year to participate in the call for competitive funds from the Erasmus + program. On the part of the Arequipa university, the Department of International Relations and Cooperation of the UCSP worked on the proposal, an area that has experience in collaborative projects between universities from several countries, the Center for Peruvian Studies that is part of the Department of Humanities, the Library and the Research Directorate.
The experience of conservation actions for the bibliographic and documentary heritage of Arequipa through the digitization of the city's historical newspapers, starting with El Deber in 2014, after winning a competition from the British Library, as well as the knowledge that different members of the UCSP have acquired in the formulation of projects and in the relationship with actors from the country and abroad in these fields.
San Pablo is the only university in the south of the country that has the equipment and trained professionals to carry out the delicate work of digitizing ancient texts. Other projects in his charge were the recovery of the newspapers La Bolsa and El Republicano, the personal archive of former president José Luis Bustamante y Rivero, whose library is managed by the UCSP, is doing the same with the Library of the convent-museum of La Recoleta .
Arequipa, April 8, 2021.
See the note on the original site: Here
The San Pablo Catholic University (UCSP) is in charge of coordinating the international project CODICES. This is an important achievement for our country and Latin America, as it will promote the enhancement of the documentary and bibliographic heritage of Peru, Mexico and Bolivia through the training of professors from universities in those countries for teaching in the recovery, conservation and empowerment for the research of important heritage collections. The project provides for the equipment of specialized laboratories for this purpose.
This initiative is one of the winners of funds from the European Union's Erasmus + program for training in higher education. It was chosen from more than a thousand international proposals, 104 of them from Latin America. The good rating obtained has allowed us to have one of the largest funds. The co-financing obtained will be up to 867 thousand euros for the development of the project for three years, starting now.
Along with San Pablo, Peru participates University of Piura. For Mexico, the Benemérita Autonomous University of Puebla and the Pan American University in Guadalajara. For Bolivia, the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés and the Bolivian Catholic University San Pablo in Tarija. European peers are the University of Catania, Italy and the University of Barcelona; To them is added the International Consulting and Mobility Agency (Incoma) from Seville, Spain.
“Part of the importance of this project is in the cooperation between the countries that comprise it, especially at the university level; Furthermore, it allows us to contribute, from training, to the enhancement of our documentary heritage, memory and identity. We must remember that Peru, Mexico and Bolivia share a past and a broad historical wealth, aspects highly valued in the European Community, indicated Dr. Francisco Rizo Patrón, senior professor at UCSP and director of the CODICIS project.
The project consists of the design and execution of a specialization course in conservation and management of archives and heritage libraries. This implies, in turn, creating and implementing its own pedagogical and scientific methodology based on the transfer of knowledge by European universities, which stand out and have extensive experience in the field of the project. The second part will be carried out through the teaching of the specialization course and the implementation of laboratories for the purposes of the project, as well as the provision of strategies for its sustainability over time.
The UCSP team, together with the other partner universities, prepared the project for more than a year to participate in the call for competitive funds from the Erasmus + program. On the part of the Arequipa university, the Department of International Relations and Cooperation of the UCSP worked on the proposal, an area that has experience in collaborative projects between universities from several countries, the Center for Peruvian Studies that is part of the Department of Humanities, the Library and the Research Directorate.
The experience of conservation actions for the bibliographic and documentary heritage of Arequipa through the digitization of the city's historical newspapers, starting with El Deber in 2014, after winning a competition from the British Library, as well as the knowledge that different members of the UCSP have acquired in the formulation of projects and in the relationship with actors from the country and abroad in these fields.
San Pablo is the only university in the south of the country that has the equipment and trained professionals to carry out the delicate work of digitizing ancient texts. Other projects in his charge were the recovery of the newspapers La Bolsa and El Republicano, the personal archive of former president José Luis Bustamante y Rivero, whose library is managed by the UCSP, is doing the same with the Library of the convent-museum of La Recoleta .
Arequipa, April 8, 2021.
See the note on the original site: Here
As part of the Codicis project that is led by the San Pablo Catholic University
This is an important year for the cultural heritage of Peru, Bolivia and Mexico. The training course in management and conservation of archives and heritage libraries of the project will be held in these three countries. codicis. Participants will receive scholarships. For this reason they will be chosen via competition since they must replicate what they have learned. Its execution is scheduled for the second half of 2022.
Codicis is a project led by the Saint Paul Catholic University and it is made up of 7 other universities from Latin America and Europe. This consortium won competitive co-financing funds from the European Union through the Erasmus+ program in 2019. Its purpose is to promote training on the recovery, conservation and dissemination of bibliographic and documentary heritage in the three countries.
“This is an opportunity to receive professional-level training on the conservation of written heritage and, at the same time, be part of a project that will preserve and have access to the cultural legacy of each town. This is an example of the enormous value of cooperation and joint work between institutions in Peru and Europe,” the organizers indicated.
It will be hybrid, that is, it will be taught in person and virtually. It will be intensive because the beneficiaries will in turn become trainers. The scholarship implies that they take a pilot course to replicate what they learned in the institutions of which they are part. In this way, it will have a greater impact in each of the partner countries.
Francisco Rizo Patrón, professor at San Pablo and coordinator of the Codicis project, explained that the first phase of the project consisted of collecting information about the level of training of personnel who work with heritage, bibliographic and documentary collections and in what situation they find. They will now proceed to design the training, which will be adapted to the situation of each country.
He noted that the work includes the exchange of information and experiences. The fellows will learn about European practices for the conservation of documentary and bibliographic heritage given the extensive experience they have in this regard, but they will also have to share the actions that are developed in their countries in this field.
The 60 scholarship recipients that were initially planned to be trained must be part of the Latin American universities that are part of the Codicis consortium. 10 will be chosen for each one. “They will be future trainers because they will have the ability to cooperate, find solutions in their countries and develop more strategies that are effective. We seek to provide high-level training that is internationally accredited, as well as promote cooperation.
After the course, a collaboration network will be formed between all those who take the course and those who are part of those who are replicated in the universities. The training also entails knowledge of the national and local reality regarding documentary collections and archives, the policy and laws in this regard, as well as local history, the production of books, their circulation, printing presses, among other aspects.
Professor Pedro Rueda Paredes, coordinator of the Codicis team at the University of Barcelona, indicated that it is necessary to safeguard the written heritage so that it can be studied and left for future generations. This requires the development of heritage and cultural policies that allow us to access it, but also the training of qualified personnel in preservation techniques and their value. This is what they are aiming for with the project.
“It's like a museum, but in texts. We need qualified personnel if we want to have a cultural policy in the future, otherwise it will be forgotten or disappear. We must question the latter because if this heritage is lost, the same will happen with our history. We have to be able to prevent something like this from happening and at CODICIS we contribute to this end,” he indicated.
Whether it is a loose document, a book or a collection or another type of file, it requires special care and attention. What is also needed is to democratize the contents and make them known because the community needs to know about its past, about the vast culture recorded in these materials. “There may be equipment and infrastructure, but without well-trained personnel we will not advance,” said Professor Rizo Patrón.
As part of the project, in October of last year the “Days on European good practices in bibliographic and documentary heritage” were held, an activity that meant extensive learning about virtual training and made it possible to learn about the progress in this regard. They were broadcast and are still online on the University of Barcelona's YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/user/FBiDUB. To date more than a thousand people have seen them.
The Codicis project is made up of the San Pablo Catholic University (project coordinator) and the University of Piura in Peru. In Mexico, the Benemérita Autonomous University of Puebla and the Pan American University Guadalajara headquarters and in Bolivia, the University of San Andres and the Bolivian Catholic University Tarija headquarters. For Europe, it is made up of University of Catania, Italy and the University of Barcelona, Spain. Added to them is the International Consulting and Mobility Agency (Incoma) from Seville, Spain.
Arequipa, January 7, 2022
See the note on the original site: Here